
太麻烦了英文 太麻烦你了英文怎么说?



trouble you so much 太麻烦了 too troublesome;too bothersome 双语例句原声例句 可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗? Can you endorse the back of the check, please. www.ebigear.com 贤侄先生左右:我得麻烦你再恭贺我一次。 DEAR SIR, ---I must trouble you once more for congratulations. www.hjenglish.com 如果我不会太麻烦你,能给我一个方便让我在你这里一起过一晚上,我会非常感谢你的款待的。 If I should not be troublesome to you, do me the favour to let me pass the night with you, and I shall be very much obliged by your hospitality.


太麻烦您了的英文:I'm sorry to trouble you;例句;

1、I'm sorry to trouble you, sir . May I clean the room now? ;先生,对不起麻烦您了。现在我可以打扫房间了吗?。;

2、Oh, I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you write the sum in word , not in figures? ;噢,对不起,打扰您一下。您可以用文字而不是用数字吗?。;扩展资料;trouble的用法;trouble的基本意思是“(使)烦恼”,即失去安宁或平静,可指任何对方便、舒适、身体健康、心绪平静或效率等的干扰,也可指“打扰”。引申指“折磨”。;trouble可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。;trouble的过去分词troubled可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语。